Period 2

Rules for Mr. Leblanc’s American Government/Economics Classes


1. Be punctual which means being in your seat before the tardy bell rings. 

2. No gum, food, or drink in class, except for sealed water bottles.

3. Be respectful and courteous to persons addressing the class (e.g., the teacher, a guest speaker, or a fellow student).  Failure to do so will adversely affect your citizenship and participation grades.

4. You should use the restroom during passing periods and breaks.  If you use the restroom during class time, you must stay for two minutes after class. 


Academic Policies


1. Homework: You will take frequent quizzes (some announced, others not) on the assigned homework.  If you are absent from class, you should get the assignment from a classmate whenever possible so you can keep up with the class. 

2. Attendance – is essential to passing the class.  Any student who has ten or more unexcused absences or more than 30 total absences in one semester will receive no credit as per school board policy. 

3. Participation – 20% of a student’s grade is based on participation.  Students will receive no participation points on the days they are absent regardless of why they are absent.  Participation is also a major factor in end of the year awards. 

4. Make-up work – For excused absences you must make up missed assignments, tests, quizzes, etc. during the first available office hours.  For example, if you were absent on Friday or Monday, you would complete any missed assignments during office hours on Tuesday. If you were absent on Wednesday, you would make up work during Thursday office hours. You may not make up work related to an unexcused absence.

5. Office hours: Every Tuesday and Thursday at lunch. 

    6. Late work – will not be accepted.

7. Plagiarism ­– (i.e., submitting someone else’s work as your own) is a serious academic offense and will result in no credit for the assignment and disciplinary action. 

8. Cheating and copying – will result in no credit for the test or assignment in question and disciplinary action.  Awards have been lost over this! 


Grading Scheme 

final exam20
class work10

Study Tips


1. Homework: will generally be in the form of nightly reading from the text. It is essential that you do it thoroughly and regularly if you wish to pass the class. You should take Cornell notes as you do your reading from the text because research has shown that you’ll remember what you read far better if you do so.  Also, you will frequently be permitted to use your notes on the homework on quizzes.

2. Lecture notes: Take detailed notes whenever the teacher gives a lecture because lecture notes are a major source of test questions.

3. Quotes notebook: You should have a separate notebook, or section of your government notebook, in which you will be writing down famous quotes.  The quotes will be tested so keep it handy and well-organized.

4. Calculator: You should bring one to economics class.


William Leblanc, social studies teacher
